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About us

Breederplants is an organization dedicated to protecting and introducing plant varieties. New plant varieties are not just found or made; years of work are required to create them. The European plant variety right (Community Breeder's right) was created to protect your variety as much as possible. This means that you decide who is allowed to produce your variety and who is not. It also means that they need to pay you a fee to do so. This is entirely up to you. Getting everything right is time consuming, and as a grower you have enough other things to do. Breederplants is specialized in European plant variety rights.

What we offer is an open structure where each variety gets full attention. Our transparent and clear communication to you as a breeder and grower means you know exactly where you stand. Breederplants does not sell plant material; we bring growers in contact with each other, so growers/breeders such as you gain a worldwide network. If, as a breeder, you register a new variety with us, then that variety will be offered to our growers and agents.

For further information regarding breeders and agents please visit